Headline: "Murder, young girl killed
Desperate shooting at Echo's Hill
Dreadful ending, killer died
Evidently suicide."
A witness heard a horrifying sound
He ran to find a woman dead and
Lying on the ground
Standing by her was a man
Nervous, shaking, gun in hand
Witness says he tried to help
But he'd turned the weapon on himself
His body fell across that poor young girl
After shouting out in vain
The witness ran to call for assistance
A sad close to a broken love affair
Our deeds have traveled far
What we have been is what we are
Our deeds have traveled far
What we have been is what we are
She wanted love forever
But he had another plan
He fell into an evil way
She had to let him down
She said, "I can't love a wayward man."
She may have found a reason to forgive
If he had only tried to change
Was their fatal meeting prearranged?
Had a violent struggle taken place?
There was every sign that lead there
Witness found a switchblade on the ground
Was the victim unaware?
They continued to investigate
They found a note in the killer's pocket
It could have been a suicide letter
Maybe he had lost her love
I feel there's only one thing left to do
I'd sooner take my life away
Than live with losing you
Our deeds have traveled far
What we have been is what we are
Our deeds have traveled far
What we have been is what we are
All that we learn this time
(What we have been is what we have leard)
Is carried beyond this life
All that we learn this time
(What we have been is what we have leard)
Is carried beyond this life
Our deeds have traveled far
What we have been is what we are
Our deeds have traveled far
What we have been is what we are
All that we learn this time
(What we have been is what we are)
Is carried beyond this life
All that we learn this time
(What we have been is what we are)
Is carried beyond this life
21 de dez. de 2008
Dream Theater -Beyond This Life
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Quem sou eu
Raphael Fernandes
Carioca, Brasileiro, Estudante de Robótica
Hiperativo, Imperativo
Gosto de tecnologia, de transporte, de Rock, de reclamar e de propagandas criativas (e outras coisas que posso ter falado em um post ou não)
Hiperativo, Imperativo
Gosto de tecnologia, de transporte, de Rock, de reclamar e de propagandas criativas (e outras coisas que posso ter falado em um post ou não)
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Um comentário:
O que eu mais gosto dessa música é o Backing no refrão... Petrucci e Portnoy são os melhores hahaha
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